The thought of repurpose used tires has come to me when I’ve seen a photo of a huge dump of wheels. There was nothing except old rubber and this picture was awful. Therefore, I hope that my work will be useful for people and environment. If you are ready to throw away your car tires, stop and look what you can make.
Brilliant Ways To Reuse And Recycle Old Tires
Maybe it’s hard to believe, but old useless tires can be turned into adorable things. There’s also an advantage as rubber very durable and soft material in the same time. It is easy to paint and cut it, which means that it’s convenient for many projects: ottomans, swings, flower planters and many others. Just look!
Tire Into a Planter
Turn an old tire Into a gorgeous planter that are also useful! If you look even for easier idea – simply place one or more tires on the ground and fill these with compost or soil.
Planters can cost from a couple of dollars to a couple of hundred dollars, so lets save some money. DIY tire planter tutorial by DIY Show Off it’s cheap and not complicated art.
Tire Coffee Table
Cool makeover on colorful deck seating area by Madcap Frenzy get ready for some upcycled fun! Repurposing your used tire into furniture is a great way to decorate patio for example.
Trendy Tire Table Idea
Instead of purchasing a new coffee table, why not integrate an upcycled piece of furniture into your house? Tire table fashionable trend, which you can easily implement into your living room.
DIY Rope Ottoman
Easy DIY rope ottoman instructions:
- Clean the tire and let it dry;
- Place the round plywood on the tire and glue it;
- Place the rope on the center of the plywood, applied with big patch of glue and work the rope in a spiral pattern;
- Repeat step 3 again and again until you finish.
I’m in love with the end result, and it’s so worth the time.
Children’s Playground Ideas From Used Tires
Toy Shelves Project
I think it would be awesome in outdoor play area to use this tire shelf for toy storage, made from a used tire. Great way to save some money, can be used to organize all these toys around the house.
Sandbox Made with a Tire
With old tractor tire you can make ideal sandbox, just paint and fill the tire with sand. So like result your kids get large and spacious area to play. Another inexpensive project that so easy to put together.
Tire Swing
Amazing DIY swings project to create playground using your old tires. In same time it´s great addition to any garden, for kids to play and have some fun or for adults as calming seat.
DIY Dog Bed
Awesome idea from a recycled tire – really simple and cute! This creative project made with love by you – much better than to buy. This dog bed very cheap to make, how you can see all what you need is just tire, paint and something to put inside so your puppy feel comfortable there.
Recycled Tires Pond
If you just want a quiet and contemplative space, here is an easy way to build a pond using a recycled tire. You´ll need hole big enough to place your tire inside with a some amount of sand under. Then spread some rocks on top around it. Just make this cool project and your pond will be as awesome as you want it to be.