Easy Permanent Dakota Fire Pit

Permanent Dakota Fire Pits 940x788


What is Dakota Fire Pit?

The Dakota Fire Pit is an easy and safe way to start a fire both near your home and outdoors, such as in a forest.
It will burn well, use not too much wood and at the same time produce very little fire and smoke.

Preparation Dakota Fire Pit
Easy Dakota Fire Pit


How to Dig a Permanent Dakota Fire Pit?

You need to dig a hole about a pound in diameter and about a pound deep. You can make the depth even deeper to accommodate long wood. Then you need to dig a tunnel for the passage of air flow.

How to dig a Dakota Fire Pit

Then, dig an airflow tunnel. Dig a duct tunnel starting about one foot from the firebox opening.

Fire in Dakota Pit

The air intake should be about six inches in diameter and angled to the base of the main firebox.
It is best when this air vent is upwind of the main fire hole.

Permanent Dakota Fire Hole


How to make small fire in the Dakota Fire Pit?

My advice is not to put all the wood at the same time, otherwise you will not be able to quickly light the fire. It’s best to half-fill the fire pit with small dry sticks, bark, or take old paper (which I always do) and light a fire.

Diy Dacota Firepit

You can gradually add thicker sticks to make the fire more powerful.

Dakota Fire Hole 640x351

The fire sucks in the air entering the air duct, and this helps to make the combustion more efficient and rich.
Pluses of using the Dakota Fire Pit:

  • Very strong bonfire of fire.
  • You can use a lot less wood than any other fire.
  • Food can be cooked very quickly, water boils much faster.
  • The combustion itself gives much less smoke, it is practically impossible to carry out it with smoke.
  • If there is a strong wind outside, then this fire is the safest.
  • Also, the fire burns almost underground, which makes it invisible even at night.

How to use utensils for cooking on such a heat. Since the fire itself is below the ground, you can put non-dry sticks at the top of the pit or use special iron devices.

Dakota Firepit

If the Dakota pit is permanent, then you can make it from a small layer of concrete or stones, or use an old machine disc to prevent the earth from collapsing. An old small iron pipe can be inserted into the vent hole.

Hole For Dakota Fire Pit

My personal advice:

  • When setting up a fire, avoid rocky areas or sand, it is better to build on favorable ground.
  • It is also best not to build on very damp ground, such as near the shore of a water body.
  • When finished, you better check if the fire is smoldering and put it out.

Happy holidays, friends, and I will be glad to write for you again.


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