Jade Plant: How to Grow and Care for Jade Plants

How to Grow and Care For Jade Plant Indoors 940x788

These plants can be found in the home of almost every person. This is a great choice for home because they are unpretentious, beautiful and long-lasting. To grow jade plant you don’t need a lot of space, even window space will be enough.

Crassula Ovata Pink Jade Plant

Their miniature appearance with small oval leaves attracts the eye. It is a good decoration even for small spaces. Also the jade plant can be grown in the office, it will be ok if you have 2 inputs. I’ll tell you a few tips on care and watering to keep your plant healthy and beautiful for many years.


How to Root Jade Plant Cuttings in Water?

If you plan to grow such plant, then I will tell you about a simple way – growing from a leaf cut.

Plant Jade Cuttings

For a cut, it is better to take a beautiful and healthy leaf that has a rich green color and a dense structure.

  • Make an incision with a sharp knife;
  • Now you need to dry the leaf because a wet cut can cause disease in the plant as it grows. I suggest placing the leaf in a warm, dry place for 1-2 weeks;
  • Now you can move the sheet into the ground;
  • Watering will be moderate while the leaf takes root;
  • Check it regularly and gently by moving your finger slightly. If the plant is “hooked”, then it will practically not stagger.

Another way of growing, it also could be from a cut stem.

Root Jade Plant

The process will be the same, but you need to anchor the stem in water for the roots to grow. Then place the stem in the ground.

Root Jade Plant Cuttings in Water

Few people want to grow this beautiful plant from seed because it is a longer process.


How to Grow Jade Plants Indoors or Out

You can grow this plant on the street if the climate of your region is mild and moderate. It loves dry conditions of cultivation but jade plant will feel comfortable even with high humidity.

How To Grow Jade Plant

The soil should have a good drainage so that the roots do not rot. For cultivation, clay flower pots will be better because they prevent rotting due to the porous structure. Choose a larger pots because the roots are small but the leaves are strong and thick. This is my advice so that the plant does not overturn.

Crassula Argentea Gollum Jade Plant

Jade plants indoors love a lot of lights, so keep it near the window, use neutral to slightly acidic pH level soil and watering succulent when it dry.


Caring for Jade Plant

Choose a warm and dry place, the plant will adapt well in the house. It needs daylight (minimum 6 hours). If it is possible to choose the side of the window, then the south or west side is better. You will notice if jade plant has little light – its leaves will remain strong and the stems will weaken.

How To Care For Jade Plant

It will not be able to hold the crown and will fall. If you growing  jade plants in the baskyard, then don’t forget to take it into the house when the cold weather comes. The succulent doesn’t like cold window sills and drafts.


Popular Types of Jade Plant

You can choose any type of this plant. Each of them is of short stature but differs in appearance. The most popular species that you can find in almost every home is Crassula Ovata.

Crassula Ovata Harbour Lights Jade Plant

This plant is familiar to you because it has thicker oval leaves and ease of maintenance. Most beautiful  types of this jade plant and study its preferences:

  • Variegated Gollum Jade;
  • Silver Dollar Jade;
  • Harbor Lights;
  • Blue Bird Money Plant;
  • Gollum Jade;
  • Botany Bay and others.

This plant looks like a money tree, so it is often used for Japanese-style interior decoration.

Popular Types of Jade Plant

Some species can be large (hybrid). Such varieties can be used for outdoor use only at moderate temperatures. It is best to grow indoor types that are healthy and beautiful all year round.

Portulacaria Afra Jade Plant

Study your species, if you notice changes in its leaves, then look for advice from experienced gardeners. I recommend not forgetting about replenishing the soil so that the plant receives the necessary minerals and trace elements.


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