Wood Ceiling Beams in Various Designs
Wood ceiling beams may change the look of the room completely without implementing any other changes to its design.
They will draw attention to the ceilings and create a finished and sophisticated look.
Ceiling beams will come in handy if you want just to create accent points and wooden stripes or if you’re going to use them as the part of the whole wooden ceilings, which are more common for traditional, classical and Victorian styles.
The last option looks kind of massive and a little bit overwhelming, but the style itself is simply gorgeous and makes quite an obvious statement about the house owners.
If you’re decorating a country house or a mountain chalet, the previous option will be inappropriate.
It’s better to set your mind on creating the most open and bright space, but with some natural pieces in it just like rustic wood ceiling beams or even reclaimed ones.
This way the inner part of the house blends with the magnificent landscape and doesn’t cause the mixed feelings.
They would definitely appear, if you’d recreated modern high-tech style of urban apartments in a spacious light house, located in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by true nature.

via House Beautiful
Wood beams for ceiling aren’t too difficult to work this, as a basic drill and electric screwdriver will do the attaching job.
Beams are perfect things to build a tray ceiling with, as you may use them to create the frames and edging.
You may lay them out to create the frame of unusual shape or even to make a celled ceiling, the parts of which may be painted into contrast colors to achieve extremely eye-catching and elegant look.
Wooden ceiling is a must-have for a house, which is fully decorated with wooden materials (panels on walls and parquet floors, combined with wooden sheets striated with beams).
If you like such designs and want them appear in your place, but you’re in a budget, you shouldn’t give up.
Your solution is to get faux wood ceiling beams, which will work just as good. Besides, you’ll preserve timber resources.
Wood Ceiling Planks
If you want to achieve the most natural, light and quite calming look in your room, then it’s possible to wood ceiling planks during the remodeling process. They provide additional warmth to your house and create a farm/beach house atmosphere.
With theirs help, you may create a little bit rustic look or even more classical and elegant one by adding sophisticated fretwork around the chandeliers or stucco cornices along the room’s perimeter. In short, you may find various wood ceiling planks photos and look through different décor options on your own.
Anyway, it will look a little bit unusual, as people prefer painting, plastering or wallpapering the ceilings.
Of course, the last options require less material expenses and even less work and effort, but the final result doesn’t look equally good.
Another benefit of the wooden ceiling planks is that you may paint them just as you would paint your ordinary ceilings.
There’re various options of shades, colors and materials of those planks. So, it’s not too difficult to find something that suits your interior.
The only thing is that it’s better to pick ceiling planks that are several shades lighter than your floors or at least of the same color.
Otherwise, the room will look slightly disproportionately, as if the ceiling and floor were reversed. It’s also recommended to choose the similar wood pattern on your floors and ceilings covering.
They’re not too difficult to install, especially if you choose wood ceiling planks panel. Many producers provide easy mounting systems that make this process as smooth and effortless as it can be.
Of course, natural materials are preferable, but you can still opt for more affordable version. Especially, if you want to create wooden ceilings in your patio, attached to the house, or even in a free-standing one, there’s no need to spend too much money on that matter.
You may find outdoor faux wood ceiling planks use them instead. They look nice, and some of them even last longer if compared with the natural wood ones.
Wood Panel Ceiling
Opting for new wood panel ceiling is a great choice to give a complete look to the house interior. It’s much easier and more common to install drywall on the ceilings and paint them. Maybe, it’s also not too difficult to maintain such ceilings and remodel them as you wish.
You may repaint them or add some texture. But, frankly speaking, such ceilings look plain and don’t bring any peculiarity to the room’s design.
They may be all right if you paint your walls as well, but if you want to do something different, it’s better to complement complex wall designs and patterns with suitable floor and ceiling covering.
On the contrary, wood panel for ceiling is something to go for if you’re looking for a soft, natural-looking effect and avoid blank space that causes uncomfortable feeling when contrasting with the paneled to their half height walls.
Warm and cozy effect may be achieved by using light honey brown wood ceiling panel and create a nice pattern by attaching pieces in various directions and using the panels and planks of different sized.
Moreover, you may go for a slightly more complicated design and create a checkered design out of panels of different colors and kinds of wood.
Another interesting way to attach them is to create something like a decreasing square, when two pieces connected to the wall at the right angle and the shade of them slowly and smoothly changes from darker to lighter one in the direction of one corner, which is opposite to the one, where each of the two panels contact.
White wood panel ceiling will remind you a vintage English seaside cottage or even our modern beach houses, at the light and imponderable effect, created by them, is in perfect harmony with the surrounding area and it is in the spirit of the place where the house is located.
You may slightly change the basic design of covering the entire ceiling with planks of the same color and size and placing them in the same direction by creating contrast edges and interesting pattern, bringing in a pop of color.
If you’re on a budget, you may get faux wood panels, as they look exactly like real ones and may be used in any design you may think of.
Create Wood Slat Ceiling
If your ceiling doesn’t look as good as it used to and you want to remodel it completely as you got bored with its old design or paint color, you may think of wood slat ceiling.
It instantly looks better than a plain painted ceiling and complements the room, creating a finished look. You may also install build-in lights in it or even a tray ceiling with lights’ tape along the edges.
Wood slat ceiling system comes with all necessary details and you may find the one that suits the size of the room and its shape or even such system, which allows changing the shape of the room and creating additional framing lines.
You may use various shapes and create multi-leveled ceilings. It’s not too difficult to attach it to the ceilings and then play with panels, tiles or planks while building a special design you’ve chosen for your room.
It’s possible to get the middle wood slat ceiling detail appear lower than the outer part or create a drop ceiling by creating a surface that goes from the ceiling to the wall and covers one corner of the room or even two of them, as if the room was angled.
If you’re on a budget, it’s possible to build wooden slat ceiling on your own with minimum tools and materials. You may find wooden planks or plywood you like the most and get them cut into the pieces of necessary length and width if you don’t have an electric saw at home.
Then, apply some construction adhesive so that the wooden strips stick to the drywall base and staple them onto the ceiling using a nail gun. If you want to create some gaps between the pieces, just use a spare one and stick its edge between the pieces to ensure that the gaps between all strips are even.
It’s possible to stain or pain the slat ceiling any color you want, but it’s better to opt for more or less natural shades.
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