Juicy Orange: Natural Therapeutic Bath Bombs
Orange bath bombs are quite popular now, and it is not an accident as these cute and aromatic balls are capable to lift up your spirits, relax you after a hard day or become a really nice diy present for your closest people.
Purchasing such bombs may be pretty costly, so don’t waste your time and money, make these excellent orange bombs by yourself.
It is really so easy to do and the expenses will be cut. Plus, your friends or family will always appreciate the gift made with your own hands more than the one bought in a store.
So, when making a choice (to buy or to create by yourself), it is a pretty obvious one: to make amazing bath bombs according to this recipe!

Sweet Orange Bath Bombs
Thus, the main steps for making these aromatic orange bombs are short and pretty simple, first you mix the substances that are dry, then add the necessary oils, after that you add some water and put the balls into the mold.
- bath bomb molds
- 1 cup baking soda
- 1/2 cup citric acid
- 1/4 cup Epsom salt
- 1/3 tsp orange essential oil
- 1/3 cup cornstarch
- 1 tbsp almond oil
- 3/4 – 1 tsp water
- For the first step you will be in need of one cup with baking soda, half a cup with citric acid and the same amount of corn starch. Also, add ¼ cup full with epsom salt. You may add one tea spoon of orange zest, if you like. When all the necessary ingredients are in one bowl, mix them together until they don’t have lumps and the blend is homogeneous.
- The second step is adding oils to the dry blend. For this purpose, you mix two table spoons of almond or coconut oil, as they are very good for skin as a basic oil ingredient, with half a table spoon of orange volatile oil. The orange essential oil is ideal not only for orange bath bombs, but also it is good for removing stress, relaxing and refreshing body skin. The aromatic volatile oil of orange possesses a wonderful anti-cellulite benefit.
- The following stage is pouring oils into the bowl with ingredients that are dry and sprinkling them with a few tea spoons of water. But be careful, too much water will not do good for your future bombs and they will not be firm.
- If you desire, you may add some orange food colouring for the bomb or even some glitter, all this is done after adding oils into the main mixture. When the mixture for bath bombs is ready, well mixed with your hands, it must be put into some molds with different shapes. They may be egg shapes, flowers shapes or just plastic molds for muffins.
- Leave them dry for four hours or more, make sure they have dried and remove them from the containers. Now they are ready for storing or giving them as a gift.
If you are eager to try them at once, drop them into a bath full of water and enjoy it fizzing there and giving the most pleasant odour!