Recommendations for brick fireplace paint
Brick fireplace paint is quite an easy way to renovate the chimney corner. It is a very popular heating and decorative unit, which makes a living room more elegant and comfortable.
To begin with it is necessary to choose the paint. The main selection criterion here is temperature resistance of the material.
The outer surface of the chimney corner can be warmed up to a temperature of 80°C, which can be sustained only by special kinds. It is not recommended to use aluminum kind of paint and recommended to use silicone and synthetic compounds (phenol or nitro-dyes).
Choosing brick fireplace paint colors it should be mentioned that dark color of surface will give up a larger amount of heat, the light one – less. But at the same time the color should harmonize with the interior of the room. So, pay attention to such universal colors as tile-red, dark grey and black colors. But it’s up to your taste and creativity.
To paint a brick fireplace it is important to clean the surface of the lining using a wire brush to remove dirt and jutting mortar of cement.
Then wash it with soap and water and let it dry for some time. The next step is covering the entire area with a special primer designed for porous surfaces. Let the primer dry for some time and then proceed to the finishing step – coloring.
It should be done using roller with the thickness of 1 inch or other big brushes. Hard-to-reach parts should be colored with a small brush. When the first layer is dry, one can color it one more time for more deep color.
Today designers offer many brick fireplace paint ideas and you can use them without any doubts.
But it is important to remember that it should show your individuality, your taste and mood and should create a special atmosphere.
Choose right materials for painted fireplace brick
Painted fireplace brick should be renovated from time to time, because materials may lose their quality and appearance. It is not so difficult to make it as it may seem from the first sight, but of course it requires some efforts.
One of the most important steps in preparation for work is choosing an appropriate paint.
Surely, its decorative qualities are important, but one should take into account some special features and use painted brick fireplace ideas here. For example, a shiny surface gives up heat much worse.
That’s why it is better to give up using aluminum colors for this purpose and pay attention to the ones synthetic compounds (for ex. pentaphthalic, nitrocellulose enamel). As for the many oil-based paints, which are based on natural linseed oil, one should know that when being in use they change the color and become darker.
Anyway, there is a great variety of heat-resistant paints. Their one and only minus is limited choice of colors.
Designers say that natural colors are the best for the interior, so red and brown colors are the most popular. But you can do everything following your own taste and intuition.
If there is a fireplace in the room it is necessary to make it the main element of the interior. For example, black painted brick fireplace will look elegant and will suit to any design of the room. Its color may either combine the hues of the furniture or contrast with it.
And painted red brick fireplace is considered to be a classical variant.The further algorithm of work is quite simple: clean the fireplace, get rid of salt efflorescence using a special brush, prime a surface, point joints, cover the surface with oil wetting agent, wait for some time and start painting.
So, now you have a nice chimney corner in the living room where you may spend evening with your family and friends.
Painting brick fireplace step by step
Painting brick fireplace is a simple, but at the same time productive way of decoration. This work can be done even by a beginner.
Work on diy painting brick fireplace includes several stages. Let’s consider them more detailed. Start with an attentive inspection of the surface.
If on it there are areas with efflorescence, they must be cleaned. To do this, take a wire brush and gently clean off the formed crust.
Experts warn that the use of water is not recommended in such cases, because it will only compound a problem.
After the removal of efflorescence one should wait for a few days to make sure that it will not appear again. Remove old paint using a stiff brush.
Now go to the next step of painting a brick fireplace. Treat all the cracks with a scraper and gently remove the crumbly material.
hen you should putty all the cracks. Make a jointing using chisel and hammer for removing of damaged mortar.
After this work, let a fireplace for a fee days for complete drying. Now we put the stabilizing solution. It may be different in composition of the mixture. Give it some time to dry out. And the last layer is oil wetting agent.
Paint should be thoroughly mixed before usage, because heavier elements such as hardeners usually sink to the bottom.
Use a roller or brush for this. A fireplace may be painted only at a positive temperature. It is also necessary to avoid high humidity.
According to painting brick fireplace ideas it is recommended to apply two layers. At the same time one should remember that applying a new layer is possible only after the complete drying of the previous one.
Light colors are usually used for the joints. If you couldn’t find the desired color, you can prepare such a composition: mix turpentine and varnish in equal proportions and add gouache of the desired color.
White brick fireplace in your living-room
White brick fireplace will be the center of attention of a living room. It is pleasant to make evenings at the chimney corner with family and friends chatting, relaxing and enjoying a good company. So, it is necessary to make this place comfortable and nice.
Today fireplace facing can be made using different materials: stone, tiles, mosaic, paint and marble. Every persona can choose the one he likes best or change it according to the interior.
Among the common colors (red, brown, beige) designers also offer white brick fireplace ideas. It is necessary to mention white stone looks elegant and aristocratic in the interior.
This material has nothing to do with marble. It is a calcareous sedimentary rock, similar to shell rock. It is known since the time of ancient Rome as the stone for facing fireplaces. To make the interior complete, one may choose furniture of the same color (arm-chairs, a sofa, and shelves).
Using white brick fireplace decorating ideas it is possible to make it with your own hands by painting it. For this purpose, one can use either paint or lime. As for the paint, it is known how to use it. But if you decide to use lime you should prepare a special solution. 100 g of lime should be diluted in salt water (about 40g) to a consistency of liquid cream. As a result, you will have a good and cheap home-produced paint.
It is said that dark color give up heat much better, so many people are afraid to use light colors. But if you want, you should do it. If the chimney is build according to the norms, the room will be warmed enough. Moreover, white painted brick fireplace will create warm and pleasant atmosphere and it is very important for good hosts.
Make a whitewash brick fireplace yourself
The idea of a whitewash brick fireplace is very popular today. It is an easy and available way to renovate the interior of the living room and make comfortable and warm atmosphere.
It will suit to any design of the room, because it is well combined with other colors and materials.
To begin whitewash brick fireplace with lime it is necessary to make some preparations. Clean the surface from dust, dirt and clay, get rid of salt efflorescence using a special brush, prime a surface, point joints, cover the surface with oil wetting agent, wait for some time and start painting.
The next, but not less important step when you want to whitewash a brick fireplace is preparing a special solution. 100 g of lime should be diluted in salt water (about 40g) to a consistency of liquid cream.
As a result, you will have a good and cheap home-produced paint. It is noticeable with its durability.
It is necessary to remember that the most solid whitewashing is got from freshly slaked lime. Lime and chalk should not be used at the same time.
Designers give valuable advice on how to whitewash brick fireplace using chalk. To prepare the right solution one should sift it through a sieve, diluted with skim milk and stir thoroughly. If the received solution has a yellow tinge, it is possible to add some blueprint. The disadvantage of such a pain is that it is quite difficult to achieve its monotone and the absence of stripes. The saturated solution is exposed to blistering and it may fall down after drying. Before painting the surface of the fireplace, it should be wetted with water. This solution is applied with a very thin layer 2-3 times. And the next layer is applied only after the previous one is well dried.